Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jordan withdraw :(

It's not the same. :( Nothing feels the same without my love, Jordan. I worked today and it really sucks not to have someone to talk to about my day, I can't talk to my mom about it, the sad thing is I've become so desperate I've actually tried but she's no help. I want to cry. Things are getting worst, I'm stressing out too much and I won't have that going on in my life when I go back to school. I mean, I know I might have some stress when I'm back in school but even school never got to me this bad, I'm a NERD! I love school! I can't wait to go back! Yay, school! I feel a little better now thinking of my escape from home and work.

Actually I don't really mind being at home so much my room is now improved big time and I love spending time playing with my little dog. My friend "Ceci" actually compliment me on how oragnized it is in there, if anything it's improved even more since her visit. I still have things I want to get rid of but I'm glad that everything has a place and I keep it in that place. It feels kind of weird not having anything to do to my room so I might just start re-arranging my furniture again, maybe, I don't know. I've still been reading the new book, "Speak," it's getting better and better!

To escape my Jordan withdraw I have turned blogging, tea and, ice cream (not at the same time) throughout my day. It helps to relax me and calm my nerves which I so need right now. I miss talking to Jordan I can't wait until he gets back from vacation and we can talk again, he's my lifesaver! I don't know what I would do without him, I just have to keep counting down, only three more days, yay. :( That's still three days too long for us. I miss him like crazy. :(

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