Friday, July 17, 2009

Prooves and Animal Crackers

I've been thinking about this book I read a while back, "The Last Book in the Universe," I can't seem to get it out of my head and it's driving me crazy. I can't believe how much of an impact that book had on my life. Through out the book I imagined every detail described and tried to relate it with the world around me. It takes place in the future and it makes our time look really good, the book kind of makes you appreciate what we have now because you never know when it could all be taken away. Well yesterday we were driving from downtown heading to my brother's work and there are a few incomplete building structures along the way; it was really weird, all of a sudden I was pulled into the story. I could see the world as it was described in the book and I didn't hear or see anything going on around me, in my head the sky turned a grayish-red with rubble and metal on the ground below. I could see the main characters standing in the rubble: Spaz, Wrider, Little face (Chox), the latch leader- Billy, and the Proove- Layana. Before I knew it we were pulled up to my brother work place and I had the image of Red world in my head before I knew it just started talking about the book to my mom. This isn't the first time it happened either and it's sort of freaking me out, I just finished another book,"Talk to the Hand," after "The Last Book in the Universe" and it didn't catch my attention as much. Now I'm reading another book called "Speak" just like the "TLBIU" I'm getting pulled into the story, it's serious with some everyday humor and a big secrete which I'm already guessing (I always do that when I get into a book) I can see the characters but for some reason it always comes back to the Prooves. Why? I have no idea why I keep imagining these things but it's really weird for me and almost uncontrollable. Maybe I should change the subject...

Ha, Ha! Jordan should appreciate this one, other than Prooves I've been thinking about animal crackers. They're haunting me! The day before I was talking to Jordan after work and I was eat animal crackers. Yep, biting the heads off one by one. Elephant, crunch! Awww, cute little little penguin, crunch, crunch, crunch! Jordan felt sorry for the poor helpless little animal. Oh well that their fault for not being able to fly. Ha, ha, ha! I felt like a little kid playing with their food, I mean what kid hasn't? A kid or an evil giant crunching away at the tiny little animals. Man I want some more animal crackers! Mmmm... animal crackers....

I miss Jordan. He gone right now and I miss him, last night I fell asleep for the first time without talking to him on the phone saying how much we love each other. It felt kind of weird falling asleep without telling Jordan goodnight. :( I ended up saying, "Goodnight Jordan I love you," in the darkness of my room. It wasn't the same. (sigh) I miss Jordan.

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