Monday, November 26, 2007


I see that I haven't gotten any new comments, sorry everyone, don't be upset...I have 4 drafts that I just haven't gotten around to posting. I also noticed that I've only received feeds from two, where are you (you know I'm talking to you) Well I have word that Jose will be posting soon so if anyone is interested in controversy..? This is kind of short but I'll be back with the scoop tomorrow on what's been going on in my life and what I did over the Thanksgiving holiday. [hint: I went to Sumo's house] (nothing happened except two friends catching up and hanging out... to be continued...

Jordan, thank you for finally posting I know we talk everyday but I really want read what's going on since we don't always talk about everything. FY, 394 =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, welcome back, again- So SUMO huh... are you sure nothing happened. ;) j/k girl, I know you wouldn't do that to my boy Jordan, now would you? Well hurry with the dish. Laterz!