Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just A Dream..?

Ever since Jordan and I met up again back in October during Fall break, I sometimes have to stop and think about it… could it all have been just a dream? I often get that strange feeling, everything was so great and almost perfect; could it have been too good to be true or could it have all been just a dream? Where do we cross the line between knowing and thinking? Could Jordan being here for those three wonderful days, had just been my hopes so strong of it coming true that I no long understand the difference between reality and fantasy? If in fact that is what it is, could this be realities pay back for tricking Doh and not telling him about Jordan being here? [Oh yah, I forgot to mention that Doh (although denies everything) is not very fund of Jordan so for Jordan’s safety and happiness we decided not to tell him that he was here.]

I know that this may seem weird, maybe even for me but I just can’t stop these thoughts from entering my head and it seems like most recently these thoughts have been tormenting my life. [Not so much the part about Doh] I mean seriously can anyone tell me how and when we ACTUALLY know the difference?

This scares me, what if in fact it was just a dream, what if THIS is just a dream as well and I’m really some nut job wear all white sitting in a padded room somewhere? Even if I’m not, all these thoughts may soon get me a one way ticket there. (lol) Straight to the loony bin for me! HA! HA! HA!

I’m not feeling well today, my stomach is really bothering me and I feel drained out. I just want to go to sleep right now but I know that will be impossible for now. Maybe later I'll get some sleep, MAYBE... :(


Anonymous said...

@Sarah: Careful Sarah. Your crossing into my mind again... I'd guess-timate the probability of this all being a delusion as about a 0.1. It used to be ~0.4, but Sean joined the team, and I'm convinced that my mind wouldn't torture itself like that. On the other hand, Sarah is almost too good to be true, so there is a chance none the less.

Anonymous said...

Jordan, what do you mean "crossing into my mind again..." I have no idea what your comment means, remem, when you post a comment there are others that read it and it would be nice to be in the loop.

Sarah, are you alright? This does seem alittle weird even for you. Now you're makin me think about it, what if everything is just a dream? Wow, what if this post of your's and my comment are dreams also? Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Now long what you did, or did I do this to myself by dreaming this whole thing up? Or did you do this to me, doing this to yourself? I'm confused, I don't nomally think this hard and to tell the truth..I don't like it. I better go before I make thinings worse for the both of us. Bye.
Oh yah, you didn't even finsh about what happened with Sumo... I'll be waiting... ;)

Just Me Sam said...

(Catching up time)

Sarah:Sorry I missed so much, I have really been gone for a longer time than I orginally expected.It looks like I am going to still be unable to post as often as I thought but I will try to post as soon as possible.
Jordan:YOU ARE A NERD!!!!
Julie:Thanks for keeping up with Sarah.I think that could be making things less overwelming for her.Afterall she said she wants comments.
Jose:Stop picking on Sarah, let her be as she is. >:I

Egoist said...

Moi? Pick on? Sarah? Be? Let her?

Nah. I read my comment to her as I typed it into the computer, and she honestly didn't get it. Sarah's the most innocent friend I've ever known, and I love that about her. She's like an endangered species in the girl world, and I for one am glad that there are still girls like that out there.

Speaking of innocence, I have a job offer for a virgin trainer in babtiste, cuba... Sam, you interested? >BP

And sarah, there's a perfectly good reason for your daydreamings about daydreams. Truth serum, baby, truth serum...>:)

all right, I'm tired of being sexist and stupid. Next time I post a comment, I'll be alittle more sincere.

Anonymous said...

@Julie: I forget that other people read these comments. Basically, I wonder all of the time if any of this (i.e. reality) is real, or if I'm just hallucinating after being sedated after going crazy and attacking a tech who made the mistake of entering my padded cell.

However, after Sean (a very annoying rookie who I want very much to quit) joined the team, I decided that this isn't a hallucination. My mind wouldn't torture itself like that.

Anonymous said...

Jordan, LOL! That would be something to think about...