Monday, November 12, 2007

Trip to downtown :'(

Just so everyone knows, I never posted on the subject to tell you that Jordan and I made it offical and we have been boyfriend-girlfriend since October 18th when he came to San Antonio.

On Saturday we took our van to the shop to get a leak repaired, the mechanics told us that it would be ready in about 4hours so rather than waiting(it was before 9am. and we hadn't had breakfast) we walked to a resturant that was adjacent to the shop. That didn't take too long so we crossed the street and took the bus to downtown(not far from where we were) my fear of returning downtown came true, we walked right in front of the hotel (several times as if I was meant to be tormented) which Jordan stayed at during fall break.

Right away, my heart sunk and I felt like I just wanted to cry right then and there. If that wasn't bad enough we stood waiting for a troll to come, right on the side of the hotel and my mom kept bring up fall break when Jordan was around(that only made things worse for me), there was a bridge there and we all looked down and there was the river floor exit of the hotel where Jordan and I went through several times, I fought back the tears as I am now.

That still wasn't the hard part, when we got on the troll we all sat in the exact same spot where Jordan and I sat (mom my and sisters choice) as we rode around my mom continued to ask questions about when Jordan was around and when/ if him and his family were going to come back. I don't know was all that I could muster out without my the sound of sadness being able to be deteched in my voice.

I talked to Jordan about the whole thing (there was more, much more but I really don't want to cry at the moment) and he felt so sad for me, with me. I could tell in his voice that he was as sad as I was about not knowing when and if we will see each other again.


In case anyone's wondering what's going on with us we were doing pretty good, until now. I told Jordan that I talked to my cousin ("R's" bestfriend) and I let him know that I wasn't upset about "R" because I already had Jordan but what Jordan doesn't know yet, last night I told my mom about us being together(before Jordan and I talked on the phone until it was time to go to bed. Yay, no not really. :( Jordan, I'm sorry honey that I didn't tell you first, but I just didn't know how to. I always thought of it that when I would tell her, I would be all excited and that would be one of the first thing that I would want tell you.

As you could see where this is going, things did not go as well as I would have thought( where my mom would want to know all the details, when, where, ect...) This would be her normal reaction as with all my previous relationships. I love my mom and we're really close so I value her opinion very much and I wanted her to be curious and happy for me. That was not the case, she basically confirmed my worse fears.

To my surprise, my mom sort of scolded with a mini lecture on how this will never work out. I had tears in my eyes which I had to fight back as we pulled into our driveway, because I know my mom so well, it seemed to me like she was frustrated and kind of disappointed in me. (and that's what really hurt the most) She hit on some really strong points that I originally had and that brought a deep sense of sadness to my heart as I thought of everything that Jordan and I have been going through.

I still feel so sad right now. She reminded me of the age difference and the distance(Ponca City,Oklahoma and San Antonio,Texas) She told me that that is not a way to be with someone because we really aren't together. She told me that we could never really learn enough about each other over the phone, we'll never know how we are really feeling when we talk on the phone. We could sound a certain way and then be feeling another way which we would only know if we could see each others facial expression.

As usual, mom is so right :'( Yesterday I kind of didn't want to call Jordan because I just wanted to cry myself to sleep, but I knew if I didn't call, he would so I called him. The whole time that we were talking, Jordan didn't know that I was holding back the tears in my eyes. Because he couldn't see me, he went on talking as if everything was fine, when it really wasn't. After we ended our conversation I really wanted to release those tears that were still in my eyes but instead I still held them in and went to take a shower. I took a long shower and in the course of the time I was in there I let it all out and just cried. When I came out I wanted to cry myself to sleep but it felt like I just didn't have the strength to, hopelessly, I fell asleep with sadness in my heart and the thought of my mom's disappointment in me.


Anonymous said...

Wow girl, I'm afraid of posting an opinion right now cause I don't want to seem like I'm takin' anyones side. I'm just letin' you know that I'm here cause now it seems like you're goin' through alot. Don't worry yourself too much.

Just Me Sam said...

Hey Sarah, I just got your email and I posted a quick blog.

miich3lle said...

hey thanks for your comments and that article. it was helpful... now everytime i feel like crying, i don't feel guilty about it.

i'm glad there's someone out there who feels the same as me. i hope all goes well with you and everyone in your life. its hard to say the same for me, but i think thru time everything will just heal itself.

there are really careless people out there, whether they realize it or not. but not you. you're a great person and thats coming from a stranger, not because i should be nice, but because you were my stranger who helped me feel better when you could have ignored my blog.

someday when everything is perfect, you'll look back and want to have that crappy feeling again. honestly, feeling the worst is better than feeling nothing at all. and i have to say for both of us, this crappy life we lead will get somewhere in the end. it won't be a straight line, and personally i'm glad its not easy because in the end, the more we struggle the better the treasure.

and sorry for my ambiguity and cliche-ed wordiness if it seems like it. but it sounded right in my head =D

Egoist said...

Haven't posted in this. and i've know you've moved on, sarah, but you'll have to COME BACK FOR THIS ONE!!! HAHAHAHA!*obviously manical laughter and ominous music*

Seriously though, I'm glad you told me how you and jordan met. It would make a good post for the blog, unless you've already posted it, and even then, a recap would be fine.

also, you're really innocentlly minded, huh? Trip to "downtown"...? I can hear the moderately sexually aware tweens snickering in their sleep as I type this. How's THAT for controversy? >:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jose, you're one crazy boy, leave the poor girl alone, so what if she's innocently minded as you say. That's kinda refreshing, and it gives hope in this crap shit of a whole we call earth. Controversy, boy you don't nohin'!

Miich3lle I don't know yo and you don't know me, but you need to cheer up! :) As long as you post comments here, you got friends, girl! Sarah's ight by me and it seems like she aint just putin' on a show.