Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Treats for all my readers which post comments...

To everyone that post comments... Happy Halloween! Thanks for posting all your comments are a really treat! Today is Halloween and I don't feel like posting much today so here are some mini personal post for everyone that leaves me a comment:

Julie, I can't believe that my post means so much to you, I'm curious know, are you a nerd or do you have a thing for nerds as I do? I only know one Julie but you can't be her, she doesn't know anything about my blog.
Jordan, just in case you didn't read the comments, my friend Jose Luis was around me when I last posted and he added that part about the "engineering buffs."
Sam, sorry if my friend got your hopes up for nothing, and what do you mean when you say you'll make your move?
Sumo, where have you been? You haven't been keeping up with my post, why? I'll probably talk to you later tonight.
Jose Luis, you really crack me up with your comments so thanks a lot I really enjoy them all.


Just Me Sam said...

Thanks for the treat. I wrote a new blog with your name on it. Ok, I was only half joking about making my move(unless you are interested?)come on, you aren't just alittle curious?
Jordan, once again, sorry man but what can I say I just can not help myself.
Jose Luis, very funny man. Are you always around Sarah when she post her blogs?

Anonymous said...

@Sarah: Mmmmmmm, treats.

@Sam: I know the feeling. And you making your move would be very... ironic.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOO Sarah! Sounds like you got some jealousy rivalry going on between Sam and Jordan. Good for you girl! It seems like now you have your pick of nerds so who's it going to be? Jordan? And by the way, I just find your blog by chance. I'm not your friend Julie that you know but I guess you could say I'm an internet friend.:)

Jordan: Boy you better find a way to claim your girl cause you never know, Sam just may be right...

Sam: WOA! You're really stepin' it up now aren't you! Doesn't seem to me like you are as shy as you want us all to believe. I do think you might be stepin' up a bit much, back off before you scare the poor girl!

Jose: I have been wanting to know do you have a crush on Sarah too or do you see yourself as just a friend? ;)

Egoist said...


Egoist said...

Julie: Do I have a crush on sarah?
I haven't liked a girl in ages. I'm not gay, though(thank god), so I'll have to say the woman I eventually settle upon will restory my faith in humanity. Now, about my oath to pull a camel through the head of a needle...

csi235: Treats? I bet you do. Good boy. BD

Sam: I don't know where you live, but I'm betting if you could make it to your local library, you could find a million chances at love. Gowaaan, you can DO it!;)

Anonymous said...

Jose Luis: I think you do but you just don't want to come clean, snap out of it boy, you know I'm right! Right...!? I never asked if you were gay, wait a min... another confession your delaying..?

Sarah: You really should post a pic, I want to see what you look like. It's either the looks or the brain: if it's that you truely did find yourself some real nerds and you are driving wild. You go girl! ;)

Egoist said...

Julie: Sorry. My feelings for sarah are as romantic as sandpaper. Dry.

Jordan: I don't know if you consider me a threat or not, but don't worry. I'm rooting for you and sarah. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just just noticed that you left me a message. Come on boy! You disappoint! Nothing?! It would sure make things alot more interesting, don't you think? Don't hold your feelings in, if somethings there you should at least let her know!